Projects we have completed
Busy Professional Family
Kitchen - cleared and cleaned with utensil drawers emptied and re-arranged
New Kitchen equipment and crockery purchased
Disposal of unwanted
Knives sharpened at local butchers
Larder re-stocked and re-organised, shelves labelled
Moving a Family into their new home
Rationalise contents of house and decide what to take to new home
Facilitate quotations from removal companies
Working with removal company to safely pack contents ready for removal
Co-ordinate removal and delivery of possessions into new home
Unpack and arrange contents into pre-agreed rooms
Stock kitchen cupboards with essentials
Work with family to ensure that they are all happily settled into new environment
Ensure that mail is forwarded and utilities companies informed
Private Office in London
Mountains of newspapers and magazines cleared away​
Research materials archived
Filing systems put in place
Stationery cupboard organised, labelled and items replaced
Confidential papers files
Accounts prioritised and settled
Moving a Family into their new home
Supervise spring-cleaning with housekeeper
All cupboards emptied, cleaned and re-arranged, repairs organised
Twice yearly, children’s rooms organised with each child
Toys, books and clothes rationalised, with new items purchased as necessary
Husband and wife’s closets, sorted and arranged by season
All reviewed, unwanted items sold or donated to charity
Create memory boxes with each member of the family
Linen cupboard re-organised, shelves labelled
Rationalise collections; DVDs, books, CDs, china
Pre-Christmas, Christmas presents wrapped, prepared decorations
Office filing - bill paying